Ink Review #2394: Robert Oster Faith

Robert Oster Faith is a Vitstyle Exclusive! Thanks to Vitstyle for sending this ink over for review!

The color:

Faith is a turquoise blue with shimmer.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has plenty of shimmer.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, no sheen, and silver shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Faith is a little less green than Diamine Blue Lightning. Click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Leonardo Momento Zero Hawaii with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, I really enjoyed this ink. It’s a gorgeous blue with plenty of shimmer and I didn’t have any clogging problems.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: This product was provided by Vitstyle for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Colorverse Korea Inks Part 1

Let’s take a look at five of the Colorverse Korea Special Inks today. You can find these inks for sale at Vanness Pens. Thanks to Luxury Brands for sending these inks over for review!


Left to right: Hahoe Mask, Sorae Fog, Tangerine, King’s Road, and Green Tea.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry Time: 30-40 seconds

Water Resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: All had low shading.

On Walmart Pen + Gear copy paper there was some feathering in every nib size and some bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Hahoe Mask is similar to Sailor Ink Studio 573.

Sorae Fog is similar to Tono and Lims Strawberry Ice.

Tangerine is a little lighter than Diamine Wonderland.

King’s Road isn’t super close to any of these other green inks.

Green Tea is similar to Lamy Charge Green.

Longer Writing:

All of the inks had average flows. I used a Taroko Enigma notebook.

Overall, these are interesting inks. I think Tangerine is my favorite out of the five. King’s Road and Green Tea are too light for me, they are hard to read back.

Disclaimer: These products were provided by Luxury Brands for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links, and is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #2388: Rohrer and Klingner Verdura Green

Rohrer and Klingner Verdura Green is from the standard collection. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Verdura is a classic medium green.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some shading.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: low shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Verdura is a little bit lighter than Caran d’Ache Vibrant Green. Click here to see the green inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used an Aurora Optima Giada with a broad nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, this is a good basic green with just a little bit of shading.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2387: Rohrer and Klingner Fernambruk

Rohrer and Klingner Fernambruk is from the standard collection. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Fernambruk is a bright pink red.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some shading.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 60 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: low shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Fernambruk is a little more pink than Robert Oster Direct Sun. Click here to see the red inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Lamy Safari Strawberries with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, this ink is well behaved but it leans a bit too pink for me. I prefer a more true red.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2386: Rohrer and Klingner Morinda Red

Rohrer and Klingner Morinda is from the standard collection. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Morinda is a dark maroon red.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some shading.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: low shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Morinda is closest to PenBBS Winter Solstice. Click here to see the red inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Sailor Pro Gear Slim Suprnova Red with a broad nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, this is a lovely dark red, and affordable too!

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2385: Rohrer and Klingner Liepziger Schwarz

Rohrer and Klingner Leipziger Schwarz is from the standard collection. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Leipziger Schwarz is a deep black.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some shading.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 60 seconds

Water resistance: Medium

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: low shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Leipziger Schwarz is closest to Colorverse Sunspot. Click here to see the black inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Visconti Homo Sapiens Bronze Age with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, this is a good basic black ink with a little bit of shading, and it’s affordable too!

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Rohrer and Klingner Sketch Inks

Let’s take a look at five of the Rohrer and Klingner Sketch inks today. You can find these inks for sale at Vanness Pens.


Left to right: Frieda, Jule, Emma, Klara and Marlene.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry Time: 40 seconds

Water Resistance: High

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: All had medium shading.

On Walmart Pen + Gear copy paper there was some feathering in every nib size and some bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Frieda is less saturated than KWZ Blue Black.

Jule is closest to Akkerman Lievens.

Emma is a little lighter than Ferris Wheel Press Peter Moss.

Klara is more blue than Ferris Wheel Press Morningside Mint.

Marlene is lighter than Robert Oster Kids on the Block.

Longer Writing:

All of the inks had wet flows. I used a Taroko Enigma notebook.

Overall, I enjoyed all five of these inks. Frieda is my favorite out of the five, but all are well behaved and water resistant.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links, and is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #2379: J Herbin Fuchsia de Magellan

J Herbin Fuchsia de Magellan is from the 1670 collection. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Pen Chalet. Thanks to Execlair for sending this ink over for review!

The color:

Fuchsia de Magellan is a bright hot pink.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has plenty of gold shimmer.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Medium

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, no sheen, and gold shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Fuchsia is closest to Van Dieman’s Moon Jellyfish. Click here to see the pink inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Pilot Vanishing Point Galaxy with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, I really enjoyed this ink. It’s a great color and well-behaved. So far I’ve been really impressed with J Herbin shimmer inks.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: This product was provided by Execlair for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2378: Rohrer & Klingner Helianthus

Rohrer & Klingner Helianthus is from the standard collection. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Helianthus is a bright sunflower yellow.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has a little bit of shading.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: low shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

There are a lot of similar yellow inks out there. Click here to see the yellow inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Lamy Safari Mango with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, this is a good basic yellow ink with a little bit of shading. I love that it’s easy to read in a medium nib.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2377: Dominant Industry Matin

Dominant Industry Les Nympheas : Matin is from the Painters Pearl collection. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Matin is a pale lilac purple.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has a little bit of gold shimmer.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: low shading, no sheen, and gold shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering but no bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Matin is much lighter than these other purple shimmer inks. Click here to see the purple inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Lamy Al-star Lilac with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has a dry flow.

Overall, this ink is too light and dry for everyday use. It’s hard to read, even in a medium nib.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.