2300 Inks!

We have surpassed 2300 ink reviews so it’s time for another favorites post! Today is the first day of fall so we’re going to focus on autumnal inks! Today I’ve been inking up all my favorite fall inks and pens.


I love all four of these!


Pink isn’t really a fall color but there are still some good deep pinks.


Gimme all the orange inks in fall! Monteverde Fireopal is a favorite in the autumn.


I wasn’t a big fan of KWZ Honey when I first tried it but it has really grown on me and now it’s a favorite!


I love all the olive greens in fall.


Sailor Yama-dori is a long time favorite of mine. It’s just so good!


Diamine Tudor Blue is probably my favorite fall blue.


Colorverse Pillars of Creation is so under-rated! Why is no one talking about this ink?

What are your favorite fall inks? Let me know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. There are no affiliate links on this page and this post is not sponsored in any way.