Backpack Inks Set 2
/Yesterday we looked at the first four Backpack Inks so today we are going to look at the second four. Thanks to Pen Realm for sending these inks over for review!
Left to right: Dublin Green, Athens Blue, London Navy and Reykjavik Black.
Dry Time:
All four inks dried in 50-80 seconds.
Writing samples:
Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.
Water resistance: Low
Feathering: Low
Show through: Medium
Bleeding: Low
Other properties: low to medium shading, no sheen except Dublin Green and Athens Blue, and no shimmer.
On Staples 24 lb copy paper there was lots of feathering in every nib size as well as some bleeding.
Comparison Swabs:
Dublin Green is brighter than Diamine Woodland Green, but a little more yellow than Robert Oster Emerald. Athens Blue is close to Blackstone Barrier Reef Blue. London Navy is similar to Bungubox 4B. Reykjavik Black is a little more blue than Sailor Ink Studio 024.
Longer Writing:
I used a Taroko Enigma notebook. All four inks had a wet flow.
Overall, London Navy is my favorite of these four, but all of them do take quite a while to fully dry.
Disclaimer: These inks were provided by Pen Realm for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links, and is not sponsored in any way.