Birmingham Pens Inks Part 4


We have four more Birmingham Pens inks to look at: Sterling Silver (Wishy-washy collection), Eroded Bronze (Crisp), Kingfisher (Wishy-washy) and Jade Inferno (Rich). Thanks to Birmingham Pens for sending these inks over for review!


Left to right: Sterling Silver, Eroded Bronze, Kingfisher, and Jade Inferno.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry Time: 20-40 seconds

Water-resistance: Low

Feathering: None except Jade Inferno, which has low feathering.

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: Low-mostly on Leuchtturm.

Other properties: medium shading, Jade Inferno has low pink sheen and no shimmer.

On Walmart 20 lb copy paper there was lots of feathering in every nib size as well as a bit of bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:


Sterling Silver is closest to Robert Oster Australian Opal Grey.


Eroded Bronze is similar to Lamy Benitoite.


Kingfisher is closest to Ink Institute Jade Vine.


Jade Inferno is close to Robert Oster Tranquility.

Longer Writing:


I used a Mabie Todd Swan on a Taroko Odyssey notebook. All of the inks had an average flow.

Overall, these are some great inks. I love Jade Inferno’s color. Sterling Silver is more red when wet and dries to a neutral grey. Sterling Silver and Kingfisher can both be too light for everyday use in the smaller nib sizes, but I love them in broad and flex nibs.

Disclaimer: These products were provided by Birmingham Pens for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links, and this post is not sponsored.