Colorverse Korea Inks, Part 4

Colorverse has a Korea Special Ink Collection, so today we are going to take a look at five of them. Thanks to Luxury Brands for sending these inks over for review! You can finds these inks for sale at a lot of retailers, including Vanness Pens.


Left to right: Camellia, Maltijae, Horizon, Do-dong Forest, and Gyeongnyeolbi-yeoldo.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry Time: 30-50 seconds

Water Resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: All have low-medium shading. Maltijae has low green sheen.

On Walmart Pen + Gear copy paper there was some feathering in every nib size and some bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Camellia is similar to Franklin-Christoph Sweet Maroon.

Maltijae is similar to Monteverde Mandarin Orange.

Horizon is darker than Van Dieman’s Leatherwood Honey Amber.

Do-dong Forest isn’t super similar to any of these other green inks.

Gyeongnyeolbi-yeoldo is more green than these other teal and blue inks.

Longer Writing:

I used a Taroko Enigma notebook. All five had average flows.

Overall, Horizon and Gyeongnyeolbi-yeoldo are my favorites, but all are generally well behaved.

Disclaimer: These products were provided by Luxury Brands for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links, and is not sponsored in any way.