Ink Review #89: Diamine Autumn Oak
/This is the end of my first week back in school for both my kids and myself, so everything revolves around homework. Playing with ink is a break from the massive amounts of homework. When I talk to other pen addicts about shading inks, they always mention Diamine Autumn Oak. I was excited to see if it lives up to the hype. I purchased my bottle of Autumn Oak at Cult Pens.
The color...
Autumn Oak is a dark orange, almost a brown.
Dry time: 30 seconds
Water resistance: low
Feathering: only on Baron Fig paper
Show through: low-medium
Bleeding: Only on Baron Fig paper.
Other properties: Medium shading, no sheen
Ink swabs for comparison, left to right (top to bottom for RSS): Robert Oster Ng Special '16, Diamine Autumn Oak, and Robert Oster Red Orange. To see the Diamine ink swabs together, click here.
Robert Oster Tangerine, Robert Oster Terracotta, and Pelikan Edelstein Mandarin. To see the orange ink swabs together, click here.
Longer writing:
I did have just a bit of railroading with a Pilot 912 FA on Tomoe River paper.
Overall, this is a great ink for fall. I did see less shading than I expected because so many people had talked it up. It does have a nice medium shading, I was just expecting a little bit more.
Disclaimer: I purchased this ink myself, and all photos and opinions are my own. There are no affiliate links on this page.