Ink Review: Krishna Pencil
/The last Krishna ink for this month is Krishna Pencil. I got my bottle of Pencil from The Pen World. The bottle is 20 ml of ink, and is made in India.
The color...
On The Pen World's website this ink looked a lot more brown than my ink does. My bottle of Pencil looks like a dusky purple.
Even in the swab the ink looks more purple than brown to me.
The ink drops and large swab took four days to dry, which is quite a long time.
Dry time: Pencil took about 45 seconds to dry.
Water Resistance: Pencil had medium water resistance.
Feathering: Pencil only feathered on Baron Fig paper, but did well on the other papers.
Show through: Pencil had medium show through on all of the papers.
Bleeding: Pencil only bled on Baron Fig paper.
Ink swabs for comparison: Pelikan Edelstein Smoky Quartz, Krishna Pencil, and Diamine Music Vivaldi. I wanted to compare Pencil to a brown and a dusky purple, and to me, Pencil looks closer to Vivaldi than to Smoky Quartz.
Longer writing:
In a broad nib on Tomoe River paper, the ink seemed rather light.
Overall, I would call Pencil a purple, not a brown. I'm not crazy about the dry time, but other than that it behaved well. I'm not crazy about the color.
Disclaimer: I received this ink free of charge from The Pen World, in exchange for an honest review. There are no affiliate links on this page.