Robert Oster Fire and Ice
/I am super excited to review today's ink, Robert Oster Fire and Ice. This ink has had a lot of hype around it, but I think part of that is just that it was one of Robert Oster's first popular inks. The ice is the blue and the fire is the pink/red sheen. So, let's dig into the details. I purchased my bottle of Fire and Ice at Pen Chalet.
The color...
Fire and Ice has just a touch of green to it, not enough to make it a teal, but more than turquoise. There is a pink sheen.
Fire and Ice looks amazing in ink drops. That sheen is gorgeous.
Feathering: Fire and Ice only feathered on Baron Fig paper, but did great on the other papers.
Show through: Fire and Ice had low to medium show through on all of the papers.
Bleeding: Fire and Ice only bled on Baron Fig paper, but did great on the other papers.
Other properties: Fire and Ice had medium sheen and medium shading.
Swabs for comparison, left to right: Lamy Pacific Blue, Robert Oster Fire and Ice, and Robert Oster Bondi Blue. Fire and Ice has a little bit more green in it than Pacific Blue or Bondi Blue. It's not enough to make Fire and Ice a teal, but enough to make it different than the turquoise inks. If you want to see all of my Robert Oster ink swabs together, click here.
Left to right: Noodler's Navajo Turquoise, Robert Oster Aqua, and J. Herbin Emerald of Chivor. Navajo Turquoise is more blue than Fire and Ice, and Aqua and Emerald of Chivor are more green. If you want to see all of my blue ink swabs together, click here.
Longer writing:
I really like Fire and Ice in a medium nib on Tomoe River paper. It shows medium sheen and shading, which I love. I did smudge it a bit by accident.
Overall, I really like Fire and Ice. It's a great color, has medium shading and medium sheen. It has an average flow and dry time as well. I don't think this ink has any more sheen than Robert Oster Soda Pop Blue or Robert Oster Aqua, so I don't know why this one ink is so popular over other Robert Oster inks. I think it's just because it came out first. It's a gorgeous ink, give it a try.
Disclaimer: I purchased this ink myself, and all photos and opinions are my own. There are no affiliate links on this page.