Ink Review #110: Robert Oster Royal Red
/I'm obsessed with Robert Oster inks, so today we are looking at Robert Oster Royal Red. I purchased my sample of ink from Vanness Pens.
The color...
Royal Red is a light red with medium saturation.
First let's talk about how the ink behaves on good paper.
Dry time: 32 seconds
Water resistance: Low
Feathering: None
Show through: Low
Bleeding: None
Other properties: Medium shading, no sheen
On Moleskine paper, which isn't very fountain pen friendly, the ink has some medium bleeding and medium show through. It does ok, but not great, so I wouldn't recommend it for use on cheap paper.
Ink swabs for comparison, left to right (top to bottom for RSS): Robert Oster Clay Red, Robert Oster Royal Red, and Diamine Matador. Click here to see the Robert Oster inks together.
Diamine Red Dragon, Papier Plume Red Beans and Rice, and Sailor Jentle Grenade. Click here to see the red inks together.
Longer writing:
I used a broad Pilot Vanishing Point on Tomoe River paper. The ink felt a bit dry to me.
Pro's: the shading is nice, and it is easily cleaned out of pens.
Con's: the ink is a bit dry, and a little less saturated than some of the other Robert Oster inks.
Overall, I prefer Robert Oster Clay Red over Royal Red.
Disclaimer: I purchased this ink myself, and all photos and opinions are my own. There are no affiliate links on this page.