Ink Review #160: Robert Oster Velvet Storm


Today's ink is Velvet Storm, another recent ink from Robert Oster. When I first saw a picture of it, I immediately thought it could be similar to Lamy Petrol. Let's take a look and see how it performs. I purchased my sample of ink from Vanness Pens


The color:

Velvet Storm is a dark teal with some shading and sheen.


I love the sheen that comes through when the ink is pooled. Let's take a look at how the ink performs on fountain pen friendly paper: Rhodia, Leuchtturm, and Tomoe River. 

Dry time: 20 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: low-there's just a little bit of bleeding in the swab and the flex nib.

Other properties: Medium shading, medium sheen

On 20lb copy paper, there is a little bit of feathering, but other than that it behaves well. 

Ink swabs for comparison, left to right (top to bottom for mobile RSS): Lamy Petrol, Robert Oster Velvet Storm, and Diamine Dark Forest. Click here to see the Robert Oster inks together. Petrol is a little bit more blue, and Dark Forest is more green. Petrol and Velvet Storm are close-but not a perfect match. 


Longer writing:

I used a medium Lamy Safari Petrol on Tomoe River paper. The ink matched the pen pretty well. The ink is a little on the wet side, but I didn't have any flow issues.

ROVelvetStorm2 - 1.jpg

Overall, the ink is really well behaved and is a nice color. If you can't get your hands on Lamy Petrol, I would suggest giving Velvet Storm a try. 

Disclaimer: I purchased this ink myself and all photos and opinions are my own. There are no affiliate links on this page.