Ink Review #77: Sailor Jentle Oku-Yama
/Today's ink is Sailor Jentle Four Seasons Oku-yama Remote Mountain Magenta. This ink was released in Autumn of 2010, and was originally a limited edition, but since then it has become widely available. I got my bottle from Amazon.
The bottle...
The bottle is 50 ml of ink, and comes in a cardboard box.
The color...
Oku-yama is a dark magenta with bright green sheen. Seasonally, I would use this ink in the fall.
In large swabs the ink looks more purple.
The ink has a bright green sheen.
Dry time: Oku-yama dried in 32 seconds (on Rhodia using a medium nib).
Water resistance: Oku-yama is not water resistant.
Feathering: Oku-yama only feathered on Baron Fig paper, but did great on the other papers.
Show through: Oku-yama had medium show through on all of the papers.
Bleeding: Oku-yama only bled on Baron Fig paper, but did well on the other papers.
Sheen: Oku-yama had high sheen.
Ink swabs for comparison, left to right (or top to bottom for RSS): Sailor Jentle Grenade, Sailor Jentle Oku-yama, and Diamine Syrah. Let's face it, Grenade and Oku-yama are very similar, but Oku-yama seems just a little bit darker to me. I don't think they are exactly the same, but they are very close. To see all of the Sailor Jentle inks together, click here.
Robert Oster Astorquiza-Rot, Papier Plume Red Beans and Rice, and Diamine Crimson. To see all of the red inks together, click here.
Longer writing:
I used a broad nib on Tomoe River paper. The ink is pretty wet, but I didn't have any flow issues.
Overall, I really like this ink. It's nice and wet, and flows really well. The sheen is amazing.
Disclaimer: I purchased this ink myself and all photos and opinions are my own. There are no affiliate links on this page.