August School Ink Palettes

It’s the first Sunday of August, so it’s time for some new ink palettes! This month I decided to focus on a school theme since my kids start school at the end of the month. I love Bungubox Kaoru! It’s not a very common color, and I love how unique it is.

I always think of colored pencils when I think of school. I love all five of these, especially Jacques Herbin Orange Soleil.

I love playing scrabble. Pilot Iroshizuku Kon-peki is my favorite out of these five, but I also really love Kosumosu.

Out of these five, I love Robert Oster Fire and Ice the most. I think it was my first Robert Oster ink, and I still love it.

What inks are you using in August? Let me know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. This post is not sponsored.