Diamine Flamingo Pink
/The color...
Flamingo Pink is a bright pink, with almost a coral tone to it. There is a little bit of gold sheen to it.
This ink only sheens on Tomoe River paper, when laid down thick.
Feathering: Flamingo Pink had no feathering.
Bleeding: Flamingo Pink had no bleeding.
Ghosting (show through): Flamingo Pink had low to medium ghosting on all papers.
Shading: Flamingo Pink has no shading, and no sheen except on Tomoe River.
Similar inks:
Left to right: Diamine Pink, Diamine Flamingo Pink, Diamine Coral, and Pilot Iroshizuku Kosumosu. Diamine Pink is the closest to Flamingo Pink, but Flamingo Pink is darker, and has less sheen.
Overall, Flamingo Pink is a great summery pink. I would give this ink four stars because I like the bright tone, and that it is consistent on every paper. It has an average flow. Below is a link to where you can find this ink on Amazon.
Disclaimer: I purchased this ink myself, and all opinions and photos are my own. This page does contain an affiliate ink.