Ink Review #2719: Ink Institute Jadeite

Today’s ink is Ink Institute Jadeite from the Premium Sheen collection. You can find this ink for sale at mosts retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Jadeite is an emerald green with a ton of pink sheen.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has a lot of sheen.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm, as well as on cheap copy paper.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 20 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: There’s some bleeding in the flex nib and swab on Rhodia, but I think that’s due to a flaw in the paper rather than the ink. I’ve had this happen with most inks on this most recent batch of paper.

Other properties: low shading, monster pink sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in all nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

The base color is closest to Van Dieman’s Sea Turtle. Click here to see the green inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Pilot Custom 743 Verdigris with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, this isn’t an ink for me. Frankly I’m over monster sheeners- there’s just so many of them out there now. There’s nothing about this ink that distinguishes it from the ones already available.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #1279: Ink Institute Jade Vine


Ink Institute is known mostly for their Taipei Metro ink collection, but they also have a Botanical Series ink collection. Jade Vine from the Botanical Series is an interesting unsaturated blue. Thanks to Shigure Inks for sending this ink over for review!


The color:

Jade Vine is a light, unsaturated blue.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some pretty shading. It almost turns pink where pooled.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On Staples 20 lb copy paper there was feathering and bleeding in all nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:


Jade Vine is a little bit darker and less green than Papier Plume Lake Michigan Winter. Click here to see the Ink Institute inks together, and click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a Pilot Vanishing Point Tropical Turquoise with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had a dry flow.

Overall, I love the color of this ink, but the flow is a bit dry for me. It can also be pretty pale in the smaller nib sizes, so I would stick to broader wetter pens for this ink.

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by Shigure Inks for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #1278: Ink Institute Bannan Line


We’ve made it to the end of the Taipei Metro series so let’s take a look at the last one-Ink Institute Bannan Line. Thanks to Shigure Inks for sending this ink over for review!


The color:

Bannan Line is a medium bright blue.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some pretty sheen.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 15 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: Low

Other properties: medium shading, medium pink sheen, and no shimmer.

On Staples 20 lb copy paper there was feathering and bleeding in all nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:


Bannan Line is similar to Blackstone Barrier Reef Blue and Diamine Asa Blue. Click here to see the Ink Institute inks together, and click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a TWSBI Eco Transparent Blue with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had an average flow.

Overall, this ink is a lovely color and pretty well behaved, but there are a lot of other inks out there similar to this one.

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by Shigure Inks for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #1277: Ink Institute Songshan-xindian Line


There are so many pretty green inks out there! Let’s try out Ink Institute Songshan-xindian Line from the Taipei Metro series. Thanks to Shigure Inks for sending this ink over for review!


The color:

Songshan-xindian Line is a medium green that leans just a little bit toward blue.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink looks more blue than it does in writing.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, low pink sheen, and no shimmer.

On Staples 20 lb copy paper there was feathering and bleeding in all nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:


Songshan-xindian is just a little big lighter than Robert Oster Peppermint. Click here to see the Ink Institute inks together, and click here to see the green inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a Sailor Pro Gear Shamrock with a broad nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had an average flow.

Overall, this is a lovely green ink. It’s a good option if you are looking for an ink just a little bit lighter than Robert Oster Peppermint.

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by Shigure Inks for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #1276: Ink Institute Circular Line


We have a few more Ink Institue inks to get through, so today let’s take a look at Ink Institute Circular Line from the Taipei Metro series. Thanks to Shigure Inks for sending this ink over for review!


The color:

Circular Line is a bright sunny yellow.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some shading but no sheen.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 50 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: no shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On Staples 20 lb copy paper there was feathering and bleeding in all nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:


Circular Line is similar to Private Reserve Buttercup and Sailor Ink Studio 770. Click here to see the Ink Institute inks together, and click here to see the yellow inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a TWSBI Eco Yellow with a broad nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had a slightly dry flow.

Overall, this is a lovely basic yellow ink-no shading or sheen in writing, but a bright sunny color. This ink would be great for summer.

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by Shigure Inks for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #1275: Ink Institute Zhonghe-xinlu Line


I’m a sucker for a good golden yellow ink in the fall, so let’s take a look at Ink Institute Zhonghe-xinlu Line from the Taipei Metro series. Thanks to Shigure Inks for sending this ink over for review!


The color:

Zhonghe-xinlu is a complex golden yellow-brown.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink looks more flat, less vibrant, and frankly less interesting. It’s rare for me not to love an ink more based on how it behaves in large swabs on TRP, but it just doesn’t improve this ink.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On Staples 20 lb copy paper there was feathering and bleeding in all nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:


Zhonghe-xinlu is a bit more brown than Kobe Taisanji Yellow but less brown than Franklin-Christoph Honeycomb. Click here to see the Ink Institute inks together, and click here to see the yellow inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a Pelikan M400 White Tortoise with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had a slightly dry flow.

Overall, the color is amazing-perfect for fall and it does have some beautiful shading, but I do wish it was just a little bit wetter.

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by Shigure Inks for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #1273: Ink Institute Tamshui-xinyi Line


We reviewed an Ink Institute ink yesterday, so today we are looking at another one from the same collection, Ink Institute Tanshui-xinyi Line from the Taipei Metro series. Thanks to Shigure Inks for sending this ink over for review!


The color:

Tanshui-xinyi is a dark vibrant red.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink turns grey, yellow and white where it pooled to dry.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: low shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On Staples 20 lb copy paper there was some feathering in most nib sizes and some bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:


Tanshui-xinyi is closest to Noodler’s Tokyo Gift. Click here to see the Ink Institute inks together, and click here to see the red inks together.

Longer writing:


I used an Esterbrook Estie Merachino with a broad nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had a slightly dry flow.

Overall, it’s a great color and pretty well behaved, but it is just a little bit drier than I prefer.

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by Shigure Inks for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #1272: Ink Institute Wenhu Line


I had never tried any Ink Institute inks before, so when a batch of them came in the mail I immediately inked them up to try them out, starting with Wenhu Line from the Taipei Metro series. Thanks to Shigure Inks for sending this ink over for review!


The color:

Wenhu Line is a medium red-brown.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some interesting shading but no sheen.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On Staples 20 lb copy paper there was some feathering in most nib sizes and some bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:


In writing, Wenhu Line is closest to Birmingham Walnut St. Brown. Click here to see the Ink Institute inks together, and click here to see the brown inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a Lamy Al-star Bronze with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had an average flow.

Overall, this is a lovely, well-behaved ink. I love this ink for the autumn season. Look for more Ink Institute ink reviews later this week!

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by Shigure Inks for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored in any way.