Ink Review #2692: Octopus Fluids Witch Green

Let’s take a look at Octopus Fluids Witch Green from the Sheening collection. You can find this ink at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Witch Green is a deep green with lots of sheen.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink is almost complete sheen.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm, as well as on cheap copy paper.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 60 seconds

Water resistance: Medium

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: no shading, monster black sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Witch Green’s base color is closest to Pilot Iroshizuku Hoteison. Click here to see the green inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Pilot Custom 74 Forest with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average but slightly sticky flow.

Overall, I enjoy the base color of this ink, it’s a nice deep green. At first I loved the sheening trend, but I’m kinda over it. Green with black sheen is unusual however, and a lovely change from the average green with pink/red sheen.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2685: Diamine Cosmic Glow

It’s Day 21 of the Diamine Inkvent 2024 Calendar! We have almost finished the calendar. You can still find the Inkvent Calendar for sale at Cult Pens, along with many others. Thanks to Diamine for sending the Inkvent Calendar over for review!

The color:

Cosmic Glow is a deep blue with a ton of pinkish-red sheen.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper you can see a lot of the sheen. This ink is advertised as extreme sheen.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 50 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: Low

Other properties: no shading, monster pink sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had feathering in all nib sizes and some bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Cosmic Glow is similar to a lot of other inks including Vinta Tubbatha. Click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Montegrappa Elmo Blue with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, I’m kinda over these extreme sheeners. There’s just so many of them out there now, especially the blue with pink sheen combo. It is well behaved though, and I didn’t have any issues with smearing.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: This product was provided by Diamine for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2682: Diamine Vibe

It’s Day 18 of the Diamine Inkvent 2024 Calendar! You can still find the Inkvent Calendar for sale at Cult Pens, along with many others. Thanks to Diamine for sending the Inkvent Calendar over for review!

The color:

Vibe is a deep teal with a ton of reddish-pink sheen.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper you can see lots of the pretty sheen. This ink is advertised as extreme sheen.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: Low

Other properties: no shading, monster red sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had feathering in all nib sizes and some bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Vibe is a little less green than KWZ Sheen Machine 2, and a little more blue than Diamine Christine. Click here to see the teal inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Benu Talisman Cat’s Eye with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, this ink has a ton of sheen. Other than a little bit of bleeding it’s well-behaved and a lovely color. I didn’t have issues with this ink smearing, which is great for a monster sheener.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: This product was provided by Diamine for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2512: Octopus Fluids Medusa

Octopus Fluids Medusa is from the Sheening collection. You can find this ink for sale at Vanness Pens.

The color:

Medusa is a medium violet with a ton of green sheen.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has a lot of sheen.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, monster green sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Medusa has way more sheen than Cross Violet. Click here to see the purple inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Lamy Safari Violet with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average but sticky flow.

Overall, it’s a nice color and it has a ton of sheen. I didn’t have any issues with smearing or long dry times.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2511: Octopus Fluids Sea Serpent

Octopus Fluids Sea Serpent is from the Sheening collection. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Sea Serpent is a deep indigo blue with a ton of reddish-copper sheen.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has lots of sheen, but even after four days the ink wasn’t completely dry.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, monster copper sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering in all nib sizes and some bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Sea Serpent is closest to Organics Studio Emerson, but there are a lot of deep blues with sheen. Click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Leonardo Aloha with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average but sticky flow.

Overall, I love the color but the ink never fully dries in large swabs. I didn’t have a problem with it smearing in writing though, which is great for a super sheeny blue.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2510: Octopus Fluids Unicorn

Octopus Fluids Unicorn is from the Sheening collection. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Unicorn is a bright medium blue with a ton of pink sheen.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has lots of sheen, but even after four days the ink wasn’t completely dry.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, monster pink sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering in all nib sizes and some bleeding in the larger nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

There are a ton of similar bright blue sheeny inks. Click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Pilot Vanishing Point Azure with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average but sticky flow.

Overall, I love the color but the ink never fully dries in large swabs. I didn’t have a problem with it smearing in writing though, which is great for a super sheeny blue.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2095: Vinta Tubbatha

Let’s take a look at Vinta Tubbatha from Series 3. You can find this ink for sale at Vanness Pens.

The color:

Tubbatha is a deep blue with lots of sheen.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has lots of sheen.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: Low

Other properties: no shading, monster pink sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had just a little bit of feathering and a few dots of bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Tubbatha is closest to Diamine Maureen. Click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Pelikan M805 Vibrant Blue with a broad nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had a dry flow.

Overall, just like Dugong Bughaw, this is just another super sheeny blue-there are plenty of them out there now, so there’s nothing unique about this ink.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2093: Vinta Dugong Bughaw

Let’s take a look at Vinta Dugong Bughaw from Series 1. You can find this ink for sale at Vanness Pens.

The color:

Dugong Bughaw is a deep blue with lots of sheen.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has lots of sheen.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 50 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: no shading, monster pink sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had just a little bit of feathering and a few dots of bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Dugong Bughaw is closest to Birmingham Tesla Coil. Click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a TWSBI Eco Transparent Blue with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had an average but sticky flow.

Overall, this is just another super sheeny blue. There’s plenty of these inks out there already, so there’s nothing about this ink that’s unique to me.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Colorverse Extra Dimension & Warped Passages


Colorverse Extra Dimension & Warped Passages are from the new Colorverse Season 3: Multiverse. Extra Dimension comes in a 65ml bottle and Warped Passages in a 15ml bottle. You can find this ink for sale at Pen Chalet. Thanks to the reader that sent these inks in for review!



Left to right: Extra Dimension is a deep blue with some sheen. Warped Passages is a medium blue with some pretty shading.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper, Extra Dimension has some nice red sheen.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry Time: 15 seconds

Water Resistance: Medium

Feathering: Low

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: Low

Other properties: low-medium shadinghigh red sheen (Warped Passages) and no shimmer.

On Staples 24 lb copy paper there was lots of feathering in every nib size as well as some bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:


Extra Dimension is close to Robert Oster Great Southern Ocean, and a little darker than Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo.


Warped Passages is a little darker than Birmingham Cornflower.

Longer Writing:


Extra Dimension: I used an Esterbrook Estie Oversize Peacock with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma Notebook. The ink had a wet flow.

Warped Passages: I used a Pelikan M805 Vibrant Blue with a broad nib on a Taroko Enigma Notebook. The ink had a wet flow.

Overall, I liked both of these inks! I prefer Warped Passages’s shading over Extra Dimension’s sheen but both are worth a try!

Disclaimer: These inks were provided by a reader for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does contain affiliate links but this post is not sponsored in any way.

Colorverse Pillars of Creation & Mystic Mountain


Colorverse Pillars of Creation & Mystic Mountain are from the new Colorverse Season 7: Eye on the Universe. When I first saw swabs for Season 7 I immediately knew these two were probably going to be my favorite. Pillars of Creation comes in a 65ml bottle and Mystic Mountain in a 15ml bottle. You can find this ink for sale at Pen Chalet.



Left to right: Pillars of Creation is a deep grape purple and Mystic Mountain is a light cornflower blue. As soon as I swabbed these myself Pillars of Creation immediately reminded me of Diamine Handel (which I love) so you will see them compared below.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper, Pillars of Creation has some gorgeous green sheen, Mystic Mountain has lots of pink shimmer.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry Time: 30 seconds

Water Resistance: Medium

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading (both), medium green sheen (Pillars) and pink shimmer (Mystic).

On Staples 24 lb copy paper there was lots of feathering in every nib size as well as some bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:


Pillars of Creation is darker than Diamine Handel, and similar to Diamine Merlot.


Mystic Mountain is lighter than Tono & Lims Diamond Dust but darker than Vinta Pastel Blue Julio 1991.

Longer Writing:


Pillars of Creation: I used a Platinum 3776 Nice Lavande with a broad nib on a Taroko Odyssey Notebook (Cosmo Air Light paper). The ink had an average flow.


Mystic Mountain: I used a TWSBI Eco-T Mint with a broad nib on a Taroko Odyssey Notebook (Cosmo Air Light paper). The ink had an average flow.

Overall, I absolutely love both of these inks. Pillars of Creation is my favorite though-the color is amazing, I love the shading and the green sheen and it performs well. Mystic Mountain can be a bit light in smaller nib sizes so I would stick to the larger nib sizes, but it’s the only blue ink I know of that a has pink shimmer as of right now. This ink set would be a perfect gift for anyone who likes unusual or interesting inks.

Disclaimer: I purchased these inks myself and all photos and opinions are my own. This page does contain affiliate links but this post is not sponsored in any way.