Ink Review #2724: Pilot Iroshizuku Rikka

Today’s ink is Pilot Iroshizuku Rikka. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Vanness Pens.

The color:

Rikka is a medium blue that leans green.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink looks less green than it does on the Col-o-ring swab.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 20 seconds

Water resistance: Medium

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: There’s a little bit of bleeding in the flex nib and swab on Rhodia, but I think that’s due to a flaw in the paper rather than the ink. I’ve had this happen with most inks on this most recent batch of paper.

Other properties: medium shading, low pink sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had feathering in all nib sizes and some bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Rikka is a little more green than these other blue inks. Click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a TWSBI Eco Creme with a fine nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has an average flow.

Overall, this ink is fantastic! I tried it and then went out and bought a full bottle. I love how it leans a little green without being a full teal.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2715: Pilot Iroshizuku To-ro

Pilot recently came out with three new Iroshizuku inks, including To-ro. You can find this ink for sale at most retailers, my sample came from Vanness Pens.

The color:

To-ro is right in-between yellow and orange. I think it’s just a tiny bit more orange than yellow.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink looks way more orange than it does on the Col-o-ring swab.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm, as well as on cheap copy paper.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had feathering in all nib sizes and some bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

To-ro is just a little bit lighter than Pennonia Wasp. Click here to see the orange inks together.

Longer Writing:

I used a Lamy Safari Mango with a medium nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink has a wet flow.

Overall, this is a wonderful ink, which is not surprising because it’s a Pilot ink and I love Pilot inks. I liked the sample so much I went to Vanness Pens and bought a full bottle.

Thanks to all my Patrons! I couldn’t do these reviews without you! You can find my Patreon page here.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2021: Pilot Iroshizuku Hana-ikada

Let’s take a look at Pilot Iroshizuku Hana-ikada today. You can find this ink for sale at Vanness Pens.

The color:

Hana-ikada is a light cotton candy pink.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink is darker than it is in writing.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 20 seconds

Water resistance: Medium

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and a few dots of bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Hana-ikada is similar to Sailor Jentle Sakaura-mori. Click here to see the pink inks together.

Longer writing:

I used a Diplomat Aero Antique Rose with a broad nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had an average flow.

Overall, this is a lovely pale pink. It can be rather light in smaller nib sizes so I would stick to medium and broad nibs to keep it legible. It’s different enough from Pilot Iroshizuku Kosumosu that I want both.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2020: Pilot Iroshizuku Sui-gyoku

Last year Pilot came out with three new Iroshizuku inks so today let’s take a look at one of them-Sui-gyoku. You can find this ink for sale at Vanness Pens.

The color:

Sui-gyoku is a medium teal.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some red sheen.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 40 seconds

Water resistance: Medium

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, low red sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and some bleeding in all nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Sui-gyoku is darker than PenBBS Mentha Aquatica. Click here to see the teal inks together.

Longer writing:

I used a Leonardo Furore Grande in Verde Smeraldo with a flex italic nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had an average flow.

Overall, I really like this ink! I love the color and it’s well-behaved. A full bottle is on my wish list!

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #2019: Pilot Iroshizuku Hotaru-bi

Last year Pilot came out with three new Iroshizuku inks so today let’s take a look at one of them-Hotaru-bi. You can find this ink for sale at Vanness Pens.

The color:

Hotaru-bi is a bright spring green.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.


In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has some nice shading.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry time: 20 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On 20 lb copy paper the ink had some feathering and some bleeding in all nib sizes.

Comparison Swabs:

Hotaru-bi is similar to Tono & Lims Hyogo: True Story. Click here to see the green inks together.

Longer writing:

I used a TWSBI Eco Glow Green with a broad nib on a Taroko Enigma notebook. The ink had an average flow.

Overall, the color is a bit bright for me, but it’s well-behaved.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and this post is not sponsored.

Pilot Iroshizuku LE Set

A while back a pen friend sent me a set of limited edition Pilot Iroshizuku inks that was released in Japan. I’m a big fan of Pilot inks so I was so excited to see this set in the mail. Thanks to Fudefan for sending these inks over for review!


Left to right: Fukagawa-nezu, Shimbashi-iro and Edo-murasaki.

*For my swab cards I use a Col-o-ring by Skylab Letterpress, a medium Pilot Ishime and a Mabie Todd Swan.

Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

*For my writing samples I use:

Dry Time: 50-60 seconds

Water Resistance: Medium

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

On Staples 24 lb copy paper there was a bit of feathering in every nib size as well as bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:

Fukagawa-nexu is warmer than Pilot Iro Fuyu-syogun but not as warm as Pilot Iro Kiri-same.

Shimbashi-iro is pretty close to Pilot Iro Ebisu.

Edo-murasaki is closest to Ostrich Purple Amethyst.

Longer Writing:

I used a Taroko Odyssey notebook. All three inks have a wet flow.

Overall, I like all three of these inks, but Fukagawa-nezu is my favorite. I feel like Shimbashi-iro is close enough to Pilot Iro Ebisu that I don’t need a big bottle of it, but full size bottles of the other two are on my wish list.

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links, and this post is not sponsored.

Ink Review #1081: Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuyu-kusa


Pilot Iroshizuku does a fabulous job with their blue inks-today’s is Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuyu-kusa aka Asiatic Dayflower. Thanks to the reader that sent this sample in for review! You can buy this ink at most retailers, including Pen Chalet.


The color:

Tsuyu-kusa is a gorgeous royal blue.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has just a little bit of coppery sheen.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, tiny sheen, and no shimmer. The sheen is only visible in large swabs on Tomoe River paper.

On Staples 24 lb copy paper there was some feathering and some bleeding in the flex nib only.

Comparison Swabs:


Tsuyu-kusa is a bit less saturated than Monteverde Capri Blue and KWZ Azure #3. Click here to see the Pilot inks together, and click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a Pelikan M600 Turquoise with a broad nib on a Yoseka A5 notebook. The ink had a wet flow.

Overall, I really like this ink. It has a lovely wet flow, gorgeous color and some pretty shading. I’m adding a full bottle to my wish list!

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by a reader for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does contain affiliate links but this post is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #1077: Pilot Iroshizuku Syo-ro


I’m getting close to finishing up all of the Pilot Iroshizuku inks, so today’s ink is Pilot Iroshizuku Syo-ro aka Dew on Pine Tree. Thanks to the reader that sent a sample in for review! You can find this ink for sale at most retailers including Pen Chalet.


The color:

Syo-ro is a pretty, dark teal.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink looks more blue, and has some red sheen.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, low sheen, and no shimmer.

On Staples 24 lb copy paper there was some feathering but no bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:


Syo-ro is a bit darker than Ku-jaku, and a bit more blue than Sailor Ink Studio 664. Click here to see the Pilot inks together, and click here to see the teal inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a Pilot Vanishing Point Tropical Turquoise with a medium nib on a Yoseka A5 notebook. The ink had a wet flow. It matches this pen well.

Overall, I really like this ink. It has a nice wet flow and beautiful teal color. I’m adding a full bottle to my wish list!

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by a pen friend for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does contain affiliate links but this post is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #1064: Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo


I’ve almost made it through all of the Pilot Iroshizuku inks, so let’s take a look at Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo (aka Moonlight) today. A reader was very kind and sent me a sample so I could review it, but you can find this ink for sale at most retailers, including Pen Chalet.


The color:

Tsuki-yo is a dark professional blue.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink has a small pop of red sheen.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 30 seconds

Water resistance: Low

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, tiny sheen, and no shimmer. The sheen is only visible in large swabs on Tomoe River paper.

On Staples 24 lb copy paper there was some feathering and a bit of bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:


Tsuki-yo is a little bit darker than Sailor Ink Studio 640. Click here to see the Pilot inks together, and click here to see the blue inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a Visconti Homo Sapiens Bronze Age with a medium nib on a Yoseka A5 notebook. The ink had a wet flow, and this nib is very wet on its own, so together they create a river of ink, so there’s less shading with this combo than you would see with a more average nib.

Overall, I like this ink. It has a nice wet flow and a great classic blue color.

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by a reader for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does contain affiliate links, but this post is not sponsored in any way.

Ink Review #1019: Pilot Iroshizuku Chiku-rin


I’m so close to completing reviews of all the Pilot Iroshizuku inks, so today we are taking a look at Pilot Iroshizuku Chiku-rin, aka Bamboo Forest. This sample was provided by a reader, but you can find this ink for sale at Pen Chalet.


The color:

Chiku-rin is a pale, unsaturated green.



In large swabs on Tomoe River paper the ink looks much darker than it does in writing.


Writing samples:

Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 20 seconds

Water resistance: Medium-the yellow washed away, but the blue remains.

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None

Other properties: medium shading, no sheen, and no shimmer.

On Staples 24 lb copy paper there was some feathering in all nib sizes but just a tiny bit of bleeding.

Comparison Swabs:


Chiku-rin is lighter than Lennon Tool Bar Pomelo but darker than Diamine Spring Green. Click here to see the Pilot inks together, and click here to see the green inks together.

Longer writing:


I used a Lamy Al-star Charged Green with an extra fine nib on a Yoseka A5 notebook. The ink had an average flow.

Overall, I found this ink to be a little drier in flow than the other Pilot Iroshizuku inks I’ve tried, but it still has a smooth consistent flow and interesting color.

Disclaimer: This ink was provided by a reader for the purpose of this review. All photos and opinions are my own. This page does contain affiliate links, but this post is not sponsored in any way.