Ink Review #238: Lamy Vibrant Pink


Lamy recently released a special edition ink to match the most recent Al-star release, Lamy Vibrant Pink. I purchased my bottle of ink from Anderson Pens


Lately I've bought a bottle of each Lamy ink as it is released, since $12 is a pretty good price for 50ml of ink. 


I have heard from multiple people that their bottles of Vibrant Pink had some shimmer in it, so I was curious if mine did as well. When you flip the bottle over you can see the little shimmer particles, they actually look a little bit green.


The color:

Vibrant pink is just that-a vibrant pink.


Depending on the paper, the sheen can look gold or green. The shimmer is very discreet-if I didn't see it in the bottle I probably wouldn't have noticed it.


Let's take a look at how the ink behaves on fountain pen friendly papers: Rhodia, Tomoe River, and Leuchtturm.

Dry time: 25 seconds

Water resistance: Medium-a lot of the ink washed away but you would probably still be able to read it.

Feathering: None

Show through: Medium

Bleeding: None 

Other properties: Low shading, medium sheen, and a little bit of shimmer. The sheen is visible on all papers in the flex nib, but only the Tomoe River shows sheen in the other nib sizes. I only noticed the shimmer in the flex nib, and even then I only noticed it because I was looking for it.

On 20 pound copy paper there was a little bit of feathering but other than that the ink behaved well. 

Ink swabs for comparison, left to right (top to bottom for mobile RSS): Diamine Electric Pink, Lamy Vibrant Pink, and Diamine Pink Glitz. First I wanted to compare Vibrant Pink to other pink shimmer inks, but both off them are a lot warmer than Vibrant Pink is. Click here to see the Lamy inks together.

Graf Von Faber-Castell Electric Pink, Diamine Scarlet, and Pilot Iroshizuku Tsutsuji. Click here to see the pink inks together.


Longer writing: 

I used a broad Lamy Vibrant Pink Al-Star on Tomoe River paper. The ink had an average to slightly wet flow. 


Overall, I like this one. I think it matches the Vibrant Pink Al-Star well. Give it a try, you might love it.

Disclaimer: I purchased this ink myself, and all photos and opinions are my own. There are no affiliate links on this page.